Miniature Shows Show 1/19 - 2/29/25, due 9/21/24 50th Annual International Exhibition, Miniature Art Society of Florida. For info, see https://www.miniature-art.com/ Show 3/14 - 4/17/25, due 2/14/25
Miniatures and Mediums, Waterworks Art Museum, 85 Waterplant Rd., Miles
City, MT, 406-234-0635, www.wtrworks.org Show 5/3 - 5/21/25, due 4/23/25 34th International Miniature Art Show, Seaside Art Gallery, 2716 Virginia Dare Trail So., PO Box 1, Nags Head, NC 27959, 252-441-5418, info@seasideart.com, seasideart.com. |
further info, contact: mpsgs100@gmail.com